Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Shopping

We decided to just have a fun day and go to Tysons Corner Center to do some Christmas Shopping. You have to realize, both Michelle and I hate going around crowds and fighting the traffic, so going out to the biggest mall in the area on a weekend during Christmas Season was quite a departure for us. The Grandmama said that this was probably the 5th time she had been at Tysons Corner Center since we moved here 14 years ago. Our bank account and I thank God every day that Michelle has never been a big shopper. Even Penelope was shocked that we were going to the mall.

Anyways we got all prepared, but as with all things. the first thing we had to do was take care of the animals. Buddy had to go for a walk.

 We enjoyed our trip to the mall. I only got us lost once and we had to drive around and around the parking lot. but we made it. We entered through the Macy's store and I told the Grandmama about our family tradition we had when we lived in Palmyra. We would make a huge deal about going to Milwaukee to go Christmas shopping at Macys. (It was a whole 45 miles away, a little less than my commute, and a lot more fun.) Jo, Jan and I were taken to the Kids store inside of Macy's. Mom left us off with the girl working there. She said we each had $10.00 to spend. We got to go through the store and the girl would help us pick out the neatest cratp   I mean present for Mom and Dad. We always felt so cool getting such great gifts for everyone.

We then went to the food court, but Michelle saw the train and begged to go on it, but I wouldn't let her. I explained the little kids wanted to ride.
When we were at lunch I said, you know Michelle, I really can't really tell you the best gift I got for Christmas, but I can tell you the best Christmases I ever had. The first one when were married, and the Christmas when Dwight, Jan, Mom and Dad all came down with the little kids. Christopher had his glow worm and Dwight and I had our crazy caps and we played "Outburst" all afternoon.Michelle said the best gift she ever got for Christmas was Christopher. I guess I did give Michelle a gift she will always remember.

Then we went shopping for who else! Yep we spent most of our time in kids stores!

We also found a great gift for Chris and Laura, but he wasn't the right size. So we took a picture - this way you get to see we were thinking of you and you don't have extra junk around the house.

We then went to the Container store so we could buy Hugh a new box. We both filled out cards for a chance for $25.00 off if we listened to a lady tell us how she could unclutter our life with a simple elfa closet system. She obviously does not know what she is up against. Since there was only 3 people who filled out the cards, we had a 66% chance of winning. Guess what! WE WON! and the other lady protested because she didn't think it was fair that we had two chances. I really felt sorry for her when we cashed the card at the cash register. It is all in the Christmas Spirit. KA-CHING.

All in all - PapaJohn and the Grandmama are getting in the Holiday Mood. Realizing it's not the gifts we remember, its the times together.


  1. 1. Thank you very much for not buying the gnome. I appreciate the anti-clutter thought! Plus, he has icky football garb comment on actual teams, just the sport in general. Why the heck does the clock not match how much time is left? Gets in the way of my TV shows when 5 mins on the clock means 30 more mins.

    2. The Container Store really doesn't know what they are up against!

    3. Next time Mom visits she can ride in the train at our mall with Penelope. Penelope would argue it is a good use of $10 for mommy, grandma and Penny to ride the train around the mall for 3 minutes.

    4. Thank goodness Christopher was made in a sterile petri dish and you didn't really post about his conception on your very first blog post to gross out your kids, even though we are adults and probably shouldn't be grossed out by that. Oh wait.....ewwwwww....daaaaad, mommmmm!

    5. I love my memories of Christmases with Grandma and Grandpa and aunt Jan and Uncle Dwight. Nothing like waiting for those dishes to be washed before we could open presents!

    Can't wait to read more!

  2. hmmm....I just reread this from yesterday and you've taken out the part about Christopher. Who complained? Mom? Christopher?

  3. I may have said something like, "I always knew he was your favorite". Without realizing what the actual quote meant. Once it was explained (gross), I got it. No need for it to be removed! Christopher's my favorite too!

  4. Yup, Penelope sure is surprised! But should she be? Really? I think it's well documented that if there's any chance that there might be a toy store where the Papa John and the Grandmama can find awesome toys for Princess Pea...They. Are. There.!! :D
